Our 3-hour Painting Classes are suitable for children in Grades 1 and above. There is no upper age limit to the classes! This means that, yes, Adults can come along and join in the fun too! We have had classes where kids and parents (and even grandparents) are painting side-by-side. We also offer an Adults only 'Sip and Paint, Class. The Classes are capped at 12 students and we provide and email progress photos of the process.
The classes do not have a particular “theme”. You or your child bring along your own idea of what you want to paint (including a printout), an art smock or old clothes, and we will guide you through the process. We see anything from Unicorns, landscapes, cartoon/movie characters and lots and lots of animals!
What’s provided?
We will provide all the paints, brushes, materials, mediums and tuition to help bring your masterpiece to life! We also have Artist Quality 40cm x 50cm canvases available to purchase for $13 or you can BYO Canvas.
The classes are run from our studio in Palmview and, unless parents are also booked into the class, they are a “drop and go” so parents don’t stay – we have a lot to do in 3 hours!
The Cost of the Painting Classes is $70 per person for the 3-hour class
Personalised Gift Vouchers are also available.
The format will be the same as the kids classes, in that you bring along your OWN idea of what you'd like to paint (including a printout), and we help guide you to finishing it in the class. If you can email us an image before the day of what you'd like to paint, that would be great, so we can make sure it's achievable in the slightly longer 3.5 hour class. We do also have a wide range of painting choices that you can choose from on the night. BYO drinks and nibbles!
Not sure on what you would like to paint? Have a go at Textured Painting where you create patterns in texture modelling compound like the examples. This is a fun way to create decorative art for your house, and we have all the tools available to help you achieve your desired effect